New Store In Kuwait

Bishr Malahfji Uncategorized 0

digital agency


Yale & partner Abdulaziz & Saad Al Moajil Trade & Investment Co. has launched a new showroom in Kuwait on 02-Oct-2019.

Yale is known in Middle East for decades. Abdulaziz & Saad Al Moajil Co. was established in 1928 as a collective partnership company between the two brothers Abdulaziz & Saad and started functioning as a food stuff import company. During its century long successful operation, the company diversified into various fields such as Real estate, manufacturing, international manufacturers’ representation, Trading, Furniture, Foreign & Domestic Investments etc. Yale & AL Moajil successfully open a new showroom in Kuwait.

Scarlet Marketing Consultancy Team is at your service during weekdays 9.00-18.00 GST.

Feel free to connect with us at +971526998809 or via [email protected] for international/local projects

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